Policy number: AA010EN
Last review date: 30 November 2017
Issuing office: Academic Affairs


AUP welcomes transfer students, and in order to facilitate their transition, processes transfer of credit according to the policy below. Transfer applicants are encouraged to work closely with the Admissions Office to determine transferable credits and approximate date of graduation. Once accepted, transfer students will be assigned to an appropriate academic advisor who will help the student make the best possible choices in assembling his or her schedule. 

AUP will award a maximum of 64 transfer credits to eligible undergraduate students. This maximum of 64 transfer credits includes credits from all sources (i.e., advanced credit awards and transfer credits). Students are required to complete 50% of their upper-level major requirements at AUP. Students may apply up to 8 credits of transfer work to a minor. 

AUP students may not transfer in more than 64 credits in total, because at least 64 credits must be earned in residence, including the last 16, and half of all upper-level courses in the major. Some departments may place additional restrictions on transfer credit. 

AUP transfers credits from all regionally accredited American institutions, as well as from nationally recognized international institutions. Accepted modes of delivery include face-to-face and lecture-type coursework as well as online courses (distance learning). The credits from all completed eligible courses for which a student has received a “C” or above will automatically transfer to AUP with the exception of credit stemming from the following coursework:  graduate coursework, internships and professional experiences, repeated coursework, physical education, or religious courses that resemble catechism. 

Transfer students must meet AUP’s core curriculum requirements in math, science, writing, the social sciences and the humanities, and French. The Admissions Office will make every effort to inform transfer applicants of the transferability of their credits in advance, upon submission of the proper documents. 

Advanced credit awards coming from sources such as AP exams, the French Bac, and International Bac, etc. (see above for full listing) will be eligible for fulfillment of both core curriculum requirements and free electives (contingent upon acceptable score). 

Transfer course equivalencies will be determined for specific AUP core curriculum requirements as follows. 


Quantitative & Experimental Reasoning Requirements (Math and Science) 
  • Students who have completed university-level intermediate algebra will be able to access math courses directly if they haven’t received transfer credit equivalence for the Core Curriculum Quantitative Reasoning math requirement. 
  • Transfer students who have not completed any university-level math course at a level higher than basic Algebra will be required to take a Core Curriculum Quantitative Reasoning (math) placement test during Orientation. Students with strong basic quantitative math skills can “place out” of the university’s math requirement. Algebra and Pre-calculus placement tests are available for students who are interested in upper-level math classes. 
  • Any university-level science course will be accepted in fulfillment of the scientific reasoning requirement. Advanced credit awards in science will also satisfy this requirement. 
Integrative Inquiry 
  • Previous courses taken in the humanities and the social sciences can be given equivalency for these requirements. Advanced credit awards can also apply toward this requirement. Students must take at least one Integrative Inquiry course at AUP. 


Critical Inquiry and Expression & Expression Française 
  • AUP students are expected to acquire sufficient knowledge regarding the language and culture of the host country, and are required to complete 8 credits of French language instruction. All transfer students must take the French placement test online, to confirm that any previous university-level French course satisfies AUP’s required level of French or to determine the best level at which to enter the French sequence at AUP. 
  • AUP students are expected to demonstrate strong writing skills. Students who have completed English Composition at an Anglophone university will be given credit for EN1010 for completion of English Comp I and will receive credit for EN2020 for completion of English Comp II. Note, however, that all transfer students must take the English placement exam during orientation to confirm that they have attained a level of English writing proficiency sufficient for upper-level coursework at AUP. Students arriving from other than an Anglophone institution will be required to take the English placement exam during Orientation and register for the appropriate classes based on their placement results. Should the student require additional semesters of English, based on the results of the placement exam and/or the advice of the English Department, advisor, or professors, credits for previously completed English Composition classes will transfer as “free elective” credits. 


Major Requirements 
  • Transfer applicants are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with their chosen major’s requirements, and to indicate the major on their application. This will allow the Advising Center to award equivalencies prior to arrival on campus. Any previously completed courses that are equivalent to courses required in the chosen AUP major will be treated on a case-by-case basis. Students may be required to provide a course description or syllabus from the prior institution. Transfer applicants should pay attention to the need for prerequisites for AUP upper-division courses. Transfer applicants wishing to discuss in advance the transferability of their major requirements, or the advisability of taking summer courses, should complete a request for a preliminary transfer credit equivalency review.